Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Unnecessary necessities!

"Whoa man, you haven't ever seen Raiders of the Lost Ark?"

"You've never heard Dark Side of the Moon? That's insane!! You shouldn't even be alive!"

Certainly we've all been called to task once or twice for our ignorance of some seemingly important piece of pop culture history. You felt scared, alone, and of course, cold. Perhaps you grew up in a cardboard box deep underground, or perhaps you just never had the benefit of having a friend with nothing better to do than look for the best of the best in the realm of media, music, and fashion... and then force it all down your throat. I'm here to tell you it's alright. I will be that guy for all of you, except without the forcefulness, or really any sort of highly informed background. And to be honest, I can't really help with the fashion either. I'll leave that to someone else, whilst I remain in a pair of beige shorts and a T-shirt made in 1995. Everyone should own a pair of beige shorts. They are simply amazing.

Back to my point though - if you've never heard the choral sounds of Sigur Ros, or you haven't seen the styling genius of Billy Mitchell - read on. If you're unaware of what Honey Nut Cheerios mean to Omar Little, or you've never Karl Pilkington talk about Dinosaurs - read on. And for heaven's sake, if you've never seen Chest Rockwell blend a margarita - read on. I will make sure that you're given a proper road map to follow if you want to be watching the best film and television, listening to the best music, reading the best publishings, and shopping at the best places (offline and on).

In my own perfect world, I'll be doing this somewhat regularly... picking my favorites within the realm of film , television, music, the web, games, clothing, shopping destinations, etc... and then putting them up on the pedestal where I hold everything dear. If you choose not to follow my advice, you will probably survive, at least for a while. Eventually though, the emptiness will eat you from the inside out, and you'll probably end of alone, scared, and of course, cold. It's probably better to play it safe and take my advice now, before you risk infecting yourself with permanent stupidity by watching another episode of "Small Wonder". Do you know what is worse than staring straight into the sun? Staring straight into Harriett. All you fans of Vikki the robot - you know what I'm talking about.

Well, I suppose I can't have a section devoted to recommendations without actually having something to recommend. This time - I'll throw out a few "no-brainer" movie recommendations. Hopefully, you've seen all these, or at least heard of them. In the future, I'll try to bring a little bit of everything to the table - some you've all heard of, and some you might not have. So without further ado, here is my first list of unnecessary necessities:

Movies everyone should see before they die (Part I)
  • Amelie (adorable French girl goes on a kindness rampage...)
  • Die Hard (guy from Hudson Hawk gets glass in his feet while running up and down in a building)
  • The Shawshank Redemption (innocent guy gets man-raped in prison, then escapes to go live with the Moor from Robin Hood)
  • Seven (decaying man rises from his bed, and scares the crap out of Brad Pitt and me)
  • A Fish Called Wanda (diamond robbery goes foul, and ketchup sniffing ensues)
  • This is Spinal Tap (this one goes to 11... need I say more?)
  • Dead Poets Society (teacher teaches English, gets fired, then leaves. Somewhere towards the end, I lose my shit and get goosebumps time)
These are a few of my all-time favorites. I'm not going to bother with deep descriptions on these - chances are you've already heard of them, and probably even seen them. If there's one you missed however , do yourself a favor and catch up. There's something in this batch to make anyone smile, laugh, cry, or possibly shart. Well, hopefully not the latter. Happy viewing!

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