Okay, I guess this marks the beginning. After 33 years of unending verbal rants and poignant, yet diarrhetic disquisitions ranging from "I just pooped in my pants" (circa 1978), to " I think I drank too much... and I might have just pooped my pants (circa 2008), it's time for me to bring my thoughts to the masses... via the magical entity that is the blog. Finally, a place where I can say what I want, and get my thoughts out, without actually having to look around to see just how many people aren't listening!! It's going to be amazing!!! Listening to me can now be an act of choice... so congratulations to all the people who aren't reading this as we speak.. you're already ahead of the game!
I'm not sure who will listen, but the fact remains - I've got a thing or two to say about the real issues going on in our lives... like the problem of coaster rings... and really, really loud power blowers. Seriously. I mean, we've figured out ways of making automatic machine guns silent, but we can't figure out a way of blowing leaves off the sidewalk without creating a Sonic Boom? And who drinks 128 oz Sodas these days? What's the story with those tight Emo skate pants? Who authorized that? "Two and a Half Men" is the highest rated sitcom on TV... but I don't know anyone that watches it? How does that work? And does anyone else think that Rob Fukuzaki should rule the known universe?
In time, I hope to address all these issues, and hopefully a few more. From the first African-American presidential hopeful to the world's best green waffles, there's a place here for everything. I invite you to join me as I attempt to make a little more sense of all the nonsense. It should only take minute.
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